FAQs and Myths
What are the membership requirements?
Annually, all United Ways must certify to United Way Worldwide their adherence to these requirements.
Every United Way must:
Be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as well as corresponding provisions of other applicable state, local or foreign laws or regulations. United Ways must file the IRS Form 990 annually in a timely manner. Large United Ways will submit their entire IRS Form 990 to United Way Worldwide annually.
Comply with all other applicable legal local, state, and federal operating and reporting requirements (e.g., nondiscrimination, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, USA Patriot Act).
Have an active, responsible, and voluntary governing body, which ensures effective governance over the policies and financial resources of the organization.
Adhere to a locally developed and adopted statement to ensure volunteers and staff broadly reflect the diversity of the community it serves.
Represent itself as a United Way in accordance with all United Way Worldwide trademark standards and requirements.
Support the United Way system by providing financial support to United Way Worldwide according to the membership investment formula.
Adhere to a locally developed and adopted code of ethics for volunteers and staff which includes provisions for ethical management, publicity, fundraising practices and full and fair disclosure. All large United Ways will submit a copy of their code of ethics to United Way Worldwide.
Undergo an annual audit conducted by an independent certified public accountant whose examination complies with generally accepted auditing standards and GAAP. United Ways with annual revenue totaling less than $100,000 may have their financial statements reviewed by an independent accountant. Large United Ways will submit their audited financial statements to United Way Worldwide annually.
Conduct every three years a volunteer-led self-assessment of its community impact work, financial management, and organizational governance and decision making.
Annually submit to United Way Worldwide a report of the total resources generated (annual fundraising campaign plus other resources such as in-kind donations and proceeds from special events). This report must be completed according to a policy that ensures an accurate, unduplicated national accounting for the United Way system.
Biennially submit to United Way Worldwide a report on United Way income and expenses.
If managing donor-designated gifts, base any fee charged on actual expenses. If receiving designated gifts from another United Way organization, not deduct fundraising or processing fees.
Myths: I heard that...
The UW spends way too much on salaries and other administrative costs.
Actually approximately 94 cents of every dollar goes to our partner agencies to support education, healthcare, and financial stability.
A colleague/friend/family member doesn't like the United Way because his boss made employees donate to the campaign.
UWRC has never - and will never - condone this sort of fundraising on our behalf. Once employees are asked to donate, we leave it at that. We never want employees to feel intimidated to participate in our campaign. Of course, gentle reminders to turn in their campaign paperwork (even if it is for $0) are okay. Always remember that donations are a personal matter.
My sister called the United Way for help with her utility bill (food, medication, etc.) and they wouldn't help her.
UWRC does not offer direct assistance to the resident in our community. Instead, we allocate our funds - your donations - to those organizations that are best equipped to meet the needs of our residents and ask them to distribute the funds.
The money raised by United Way of Randolph County is sent to United Way Worldwide, and they take their cut and then decide how to distribute the money locally.
Not true. Ever United Way is an independent, autonomous organization, with its own Board of Directors and Allocations Committees. United Way Worldwide does not exercise any control over how we allocate our funds to the community. We do pay membership dues to United Way Worldwide (1% of the funds we raise each year) and those funds provide marketing materials, supplies, and training opportunities for the staff and board.
United Way of Randolph County dollars go to Planned Parenthood because UWW supports Planned Parenthood.
No. Our board of directors strive to keep our dollars in Randolph County, Middle Grove, Salisbury, and Madison. All local funding decisions are made by the individual United Ways with the input of local leaders and community stakeholders. United Way Worldwide does not control funding decisions by local United Ways. In many instances, funding for Planned Parenthood is the result of specific direction from individual donors, including those from the United Way Worldwide Donor Advised Giving program.
Out of 1,129 local United Ways in the United States, 58 provide direct funding to Planned Parenthood. The amount of financial support represents less than one-tenth of one percent of the total United Way revenue.
Several local United Way partners provide professional family and individual counseling services. Local United Way-funded pregnancy related programs focus on community health maintenance (e.g. communicable disease prevention; medical care service; family planning; health education; public awareness services; and family preservation) and strengthening services like counseling and family life education.
You support X organization. There is no way I want my money to go that place.
The United Way of Randolph County strives to bring our community together. We support 19 agencies and programs that benefit Randolph County (Safe Passage and the Buddy Pack program also help Madison, Salisbury, and Middle Grove).
Our board of directors feel they do a great job meeting the needs in our community. However, we also know that not everyone feels the same way about each organization. Please don't let your feelings about one organization stop you from donating to United Way of Randolph County. Instead, you can designate your donation to the organization of your choosing - allowing you to have total control of where your money goes.